Please prayerfully consider an end-of-year gift to the ministry at Ancient Way Farm.

Find Rest For Your Soul

Cultivating the soul of Christian leaders through the slow practice of spiritual formation.

Let us set the table for you.

Ancient Way Farm is a place for Christian leaders to unplug from the hectic fray and busy-ness of life, and plug into the source of life. Guests will experience radical hospitality as they pull up a seat at our table. Our retreats are designed to offer an alternative path to connecting with the Creator of the universe by embracing the "unforced rhythms of life."

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” - Matthew 11:28-30

Spiritual Formation

“Spiritual formation is the process of being conformed into the image of Jesus Christ, for the sake of others.”
- Robert Mulholland

A Slow, Good Process

Spiritual formation resembles planting and cultivating a garden or hiking the Appalachian Trail much more than visiting your favorite internet site. We are being conformed into something, which implies that there is an outside force at work.

The Potter & The Clay

What is the potter forming us into?  The image of Jesus.  He is always central. And this movement is always outward focused. We go deep in, to move out toward others.

Hear what some of our friends are saying about Ancient Way Farms:

We thoroughly enjoyed our time with Bart and Victoria at Ancient Way, particularly our introduction to Lectio Divina contemplation of Scripture which has served to enrich our quiet times. Our visit to the farm was a wonderful gift of reflection and nourishment. We hope many Christian leaders will receive the blessing of being cared for at Ancient Way to help them as they love and care for others. 
- Jack and Libbie
Bart and Victoria exude love, hospitality, and a deep longing for God’s presence.  As they lead you through a time of reflecting on Scripture, prayer, and solitude, you will find the much needed silence for your soul. Our lives are a whirlwind and we all need to take more time for silence. Jesus often withdrew to a quiet place to be alone with the Father.  How much more then do we need to seek time alone with God, learn, and walk in His ways? 
- Terrie
A wonderful time of reflection.  Of the three disciplines of listen, solitude and hospitality I enjoyed the solitude the most.  Too often I am too busy to hear the Lord speak and the restful time of quiet reflection was quite refreshing.  I recommend this retreat because we all need a reflective time to get away and fellowship with God, and this retreat really encouraged just that.
- Jay
I got a taste of Biblical community, divine reading and solitude, which is the “furnace of transformation.” I came away wanting more, knowing that this is what I’ve been missing.
- Don